Vacuum freeze-drying removes water from food through evaporation, which turns water molecules into steam; Vacuum freeze-drying food affects its texture more than other preservation methods, such as canning or freezing, but leaves the nutritional value and flavor intact. Because vacuum freeze-dried food is so lightweight, it's perfect for backpacking or storing in your emergency preparedness kit.
Choose the type of food you want to vacuum freeze dry, foods that contain a lot of water are better suited for vacuum freeze drying, as their structure remains intact after the process. These foods are especially tasty: fruits such as apples, bananas, berries, persimmons, and pears. Vegetables such as potatoes, peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes and parsnips.
Once you're familiar with the process, try freezing chicken breasts, cheese, and even whole meals like pasta and meatballs—any food that contains moisture can be preserved using the freeze-drying process.