
The vacuum dryer manufacturer tells you the drying treatment of the double cone rotary vacuum dryer


The double-cone rotary vacuum dryer puts forward higher technical requirements: to implement the development strategy of high-efficiency and green drying, we must first take the resource-saving development path, and change the single extensive drying into a combined and intelligent drying. It is not only necessary to carry out a fundamental transformation in the drying process, but also to carry out comprehensive and multi-level energy-saving technological transformation, and vigorously develop the drying technology that uses renewable energy and industrial waste heat, so that the price of the double-cone rotary vacuum dryer may be more reasonable. Compared with the currently commonly used oven drying method, spray drying method, etc., the vacuum continuous drying method has many unique advantages, and can ensure that the product quality is much higher than that of products using other drying methods.

Vacuum continuous double-cone rotary vacuum dryer and technology have the advantages of low-temperature drying, less damage to active ingredients, looseness and easy melting and absorption, simultaneous drying and sterilization, so as to ensure that the product has high active ingredients, high sterility index, and good oral absorption. .
Drying treatment of double cone rotary vacuum dryer:
1. The workpiece is placed in a vacuum drying oven to evacuate to remove the gas components that can be removed from the material of the workpiece. If the workpiece is heated first, the gas expands as it heats up.

Since the vacuum box is very well sealed, the huge pressure generated by the expanding gas may burst the tempered glass of the observation window. This is a potential danger. This danger can be avoided by first vacuumizing and then heating up.

2. If the operation is performed according to the procedure of first heating up and then vacuuming, when the heated air is pumped out by the vacuum pump, the heat will inevitably be carried to the vacuum pump, which will cause the temperature rise of the vacuum pump to be too high, and may reduce the efficiency of the vacuum pump.
3. The heated gas is directed to the vacuum pressure gauge, and the vacuum pressure gauge will generate a temperature rise. If the temperature rise exceeds the specified operating temperature range of the vacuum pressure gauge, it may cause an error in the vacuum pressure gauge.


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